Fibro Escapades

30-Something Wife, Mother, and Student shares her battles with Fibromyalgia and life in general.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Chaos Rules My Life

Kiddo is still at her dad's house. But my middle child is here. The step-son was supposed to come up and stay at the mother-in-laws but his mother didn't plan well and didn't have money for gas to meet hubby at the halfway point. They invited hubby down there for the weekend, but hubby has to work Saturday morning... *sigh* So, the middle child is bored, as he doesn't have anyone to go play games with and swim with (he would have hung out at the mother-in-laws to play with the step-son if he were there.) Apparently, NEXT weekend, kiddo will be here, although she should be at her dad's as that is his regular weekend, and hubby IS going down to visit, even though he has to work that Saturday morning too... and the middle child is going with him to camp out with the step-son. *blink* This is of course ALL subject to change at half a moments notice.

Can I move into someone's basement for the summer....please?


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