Fibro Escapades

30-Something Wife, Mother, and Student shares her battles with Fibromyalgia and life in general.

Friday, June 30, 2006

In the wake of Thursday

Someone remind me that I have fibromyalgia once in a while. I over did it. All the walking around the convention, to and from the hotel and probably the 2 hour live action version of Haunting House have made me a ball of pain which pain meds can't seem to tame at the moment. This really sucks. The one event I did the most planning for is in half an hour and I have decided I can't go. I have to give my body a break and walking to the convention center and then spending two hours on my feet playing pirate isn't going to do that. There is another session tomorrow morning. I will see if I am well enough then and see if there are spots left. If not, I will put on my pirate costume anyway and just wear it around the convention for a while.

Yesterday I skipped Battle Cattle in the morning due to the really late night before. (if I weren't in pain I would link, but if you are really currious you know how to google, I am sure!) Life Sized Haunting House (large tiles and game pieces and you get to be your pawn) was fun. It would have been better with out the Second Story expansion as we didn't have time to finish. After that I learned to play Iron Dragon, a crayon rail game (I promise I will explain these games better at some point). I loved it! I want it! But 50 bucks? ouchies. May have to wait and see on that one. Besides I do have friends that have it, so maybe hubby and I can borrow it for a bit. And I finished off the day with a Fluxx World Championship Qualifier. No, I didn't qualify. In fact I got hammered! *shrug* It was fun anyway. I also learned to play a new game using Ice House pieces called Tree House. I might pick it up if it isn't too expensive.

I am going to lay back down and plan to catch the shuttle to the convention for my board game at noon. :) At least it won't involve much walking and I can sit down for a few hours. I am playing Arkham Horror, which we have at home but is best played with lots of players, which we don't have at home. It should be fun.


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