Fibro Escapades

30-Something Wife, Mother, and Student shares her battles with Fibromyalgia and life in general.

Friday, June 16, 2006

A Long Lonely Weekend Ahead

Well, I blew it. Wednesday I promised the kiddo we'd go to the park Thursday. Of course Thursday presented it's own problems and issues and we didn't make it so we rescheduled for today. Then I couldn't sleep again last night. So she spent the day entertaining herself with Nick Junior and feasting on fruits and jelly and butter sandwiches (she has gotten quite independent in the food realm, although I have to teach her to put the butter away when she is done) while Mommy slept in severely. She even brought me my cell phone when it rang. It was her dad, telling me her stepmom was on her way to pick her up early for the weekend due to some scheduling issues. So, no park today. And the remainder of my day has felt empty. So I've sat here on the couch surfing the net and eating malted milk balls. *sigh*

I know I am a good mom most of the time, but days like this make me feel about as big as an ant.

Next week she will be off to day camp Mon-Thurs, and then off to her Aunt's house Thurs-Sat and on Saturday afternoon she has a birthday party in the park to go to and all her Daisy Scout friends should be there. I should have taken advantage of these past couple of days for Mom and Kiddo time.


What makes it worse, hubby has to work tomorrow morning and then he's heading down to spend the rest of the weekend with his son. So I'm basicly going to be puttering around the house all on my own this weekend. Just me and the birds.


Blogger sputnik said...

I saw your comment on Crazy Aunt Purl about the parakeet and the pest strip, and coughed, snorted, burped and fell of the sofa all at the same time. Oh. My. God. That's one of those things that's terribly funny and sad at the same time--like a marshmallow truck on fire. You don't know if you should call 911, or gather sticks and coathangers.

4:35 PM  
Blogger Risha said...

: ) Yeah, its one of those moments you wish you had a camera, but there just isn't time to get it.

4:40 AM  

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