Fibro Escapades

30-Something Wife, Mother, and Student shares her battles with Fibromyalgia and life in general.

Monday, May 29, 2006

In Rememberance

My 6 year old has been learning to ride a horse. Her dad has a few horses and runs a barn where he boards horses. Last night he called to tell me they were waiting on the vet to come put down my daughter's horse, Rex. Rex was old, 25 years old, but he was great with kids. And my munchkin loved him dearly. It's going to be a hard day.

Her dad picked her up just a few minutes ago, he and her step-mom are going to break the news. While he was here, she told him she wanted to paint a picture of Rex. He and I just looked at each other, I don't know how either of us kept from breaking down and crying.

So today in addition to remembering all the veterens who have given their lives for our country, we are also remembering Rex, a sweet old horse who was loved by a sweet little girl.


Blogger Rhett said...

I have lost three horses in my horse owning/loving life. Star the pony was first. She was old and sick and it was very sad. I was 13 years old and spent over an hour in the rain and mud trying to get her up and she couldn't stand so we had to put her down. I lost two last year to lightening. It was just as traumatic and I was twice as old as the first one. I am very sorry for your daughter's loss. It is difficult, but tell her to pain that picture, cherish the photographs and hold on to the memories. New horses can come in to her life, but you never forget your first!

10:26 AM  
Blogger Risha said...

Thanks rhett. She is taking it pretty well, but sometimes she stores things up for later. I think after school gets out this week, the loss is going to hit her harder. Her dad saved a braid of hair from Rex's tail and is going to put it in a shadow box with her painting when she gets it done.

5:55 PM  
Blogger Rhett said...

I have hair from my horses too. It's tied with a yellow bow and in my memory box.

Girls and their horses... I'll tell you... It's quite a bond :)

1:42 PM  

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