Fibro Escapades

30-Something Wife, Mother, and Student shares her battles with Fibromyalgia and life in general.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Origins Gaming Convention

Despite the mess our finances are in, I guess we
are still going to Origins next month. I put
money aside for it months and months ago when I
made our hotel reservations and pre-registered
our four day badges. It is hubby and I's one
true vacation each year. It is the only
convention that we won't be working at, with the
exception of putting in a couple hours apiece in
ConCentric's booth (I'm feeling too lazy to plug
in the link to their site right now, or any links
for that matter... maybe I'll add it in when the
blog server is up so I don't have to email in my

So, being the brilliant procrastinators we are,
we didn't register for our actual events until
the LAST minute that pre-registration was open
online. But now that I know for sure I am going
to do a pirate LARP (Live Action Role Playing)
event, I've decided to work on a costume. I
picked up some dollar a yard fabric today and
scouted the internet for pictures to work from.
Perhaps when I get going on it I will dust off
the camera and post my progress.

My sleep schedule remains backwards. After
recent stresses, I have no strong desire to put
forth the effort to swing it around. Oh well. I
enjoy the quiet of being up at night. Of course
kiddo is coming back from her dad's at noon
tomorrow. I imagine I'll be a sleepy mommy.

Sorry about the yahoo junk below. I could post
through my campus account but their system auto
times out so fast I didn't want to mess with it.


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