Fibro Escapades

30-Something Wife, Mother, and Student shares her battles with Fibromyalgia and life in general.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Out of the mouths...

Last week my daughter pulled a new one. She was on the phone with her dad and she wanted him to let her go to the festival with her 15 year old sister on the weekend. He told her only if I was going too (which is the only way I would agree to it also) and she comes back with "Daddy, don't you want your little girl to be happy?" Kids, where do they get this stuff?

Her dad nipped it in the bud right away. He told her if she tried to pull that stuff on him ever again he would tan her hide. Poor thing, bet she never tries thant angle again! Even though *I* know most of the time she has him wrapped around her little finger.


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