The Weekend Toss-Up
I upped my dose of guaifenesin to 400 mg X 2 per day. I was unsure if the 300 mg X 2 per day was causing the symptoms I was having or if I was just flaring still (which I seemed to have been doing almost steadily since February). Right away I noticed a difference, within hours of taking one dose of 400 mg. I noticed a sensation of heat in some of my joints, later followed by a marked increase in my achiness. So, according to protocol I believe I am officially cycling, yay!
Our schedule around here is pretty simple, until people make unexpected changes at the last minute... which seems to happen ALL THE TIME! Normally, every other weekend we have no children because the 6 year old goes to her dads and no one visits that weekend. The other weekends she stays here and my son and my stepson both come for the weekend. (Once upon a time my older daughter came too, but she decided she didn't have to obey house rules and now chooses not to come, but that is another story all together.) The problems generally occur when changes are made regarding my stepson visiting. See, he lives out of town, with his mom and... his stepmom... er, his other stepmom. (Again, another story all together!) And they like to call at the last minute, literally hours before they are supposed to rendez-vous halfway to exchange the kid and change the plans. It tears my husband apart to suddenly find out that he isn't getting his son for the weekend because of some plans that have been in place on their end for weeks that they forget to tell him about until the last minute. Before he and I were married, it was not such a big deal because well, it was just him and they would switch weekends and pretty much play it by ear all the time. Now, he gets big ideas for "family time" with the 5 of us and I know that it is hard on him when his son isn't here. On the flip side, it drives me bonkers when they want to switch weekends... that means we get zero weekend time without kids here. I try to tell myself that normal families who haven't "branched", as I like to call it, have their kids all the time so I shouldn't feel cheated out of our "us" time. The thing is, we have branched and we never had those pre-kid years to ourselves and with my disease I just need the down time.
Anyway, last weekend was family weekend and of course, at the last minute the plans changed. And so I kissed this weekend goodbye. Which was especially disappointing to me since we were planning on getting my stepson for this week anyway and I was looking forward to having the weekend to relax before spending the first week of summer vacation with not only my little kiddo but also my stepson. And then, redemption!!!! The phone call. "We are coming into town for such and such's graduation and going to the party and ..." and taking my stepson with them. He will be staying with them at his grandma's here in town this weekend, then coming over here either Sunday evening or Monday morning. I get my weekend with hubby back. We are renting season 2, having just finished with season 1, of The West Wing. I fully intend to spend the weekend curled up with him watching ALL of season 2... perhaps with a break to watch It (Stephen King) with him, since he finally read the book and hasn't seen the movie. *happy dance*
Hip Hip Hurray for the weekend swinging back your way! Also, more happy dancing towards the West Wing. That was my FAVORITE show and I miss it terribly. We have season 1 and 5 on DVD. I haven't watched all of 1 yet, but I would love a rainy weekend where I could curl up on the couch and watch it. Have a great time!
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