Fibro Escapades

30-Something Wife, Mother, and Student shares her battles with Fibromyalgia and life in general.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Yesterday after finding out what had happened, I called to report it. I explained to my husband that it was my responsibility as a parent to report the abuse. This resulted in a Deputy coming out to the house and talking to the adults. We had to send the kids to separate rooms because he isn't allowed to talk to them with out Child Protective Services present and they close at 4pm here. (Wonder what happens to more urgent situations? Don't they have anyone on call? *sigh* I continue to be less and less impressed with our city and county governmental officies, but I digress.) So, we were told there would be a meeting the next day (today).

I just got home from spending 3 hours sitting on a wooden bench. The meeting was half an hour late getting started and the first thing they did was take my daughter by herself in to talk to the lady from CPS and a dective. That lasted about 15 minutes and then they brought her back out and took my stepson and his mother in to talk. (Since he was the "accused" he had to have a parent present.) They were in there about an hour and a half. Meanwhile I'm still sitting on the wooden bench. Then they came and got my husband and another half an hour or so went by. Finally, things start to wrap up and the lady from CPS comes out to talk to me and let me know what is going on. They decided that the two children can not be around each other. So when my stepson comes to visit, my daughter has to go to her dad's house. They reccomended both children get counciling, although it will be mandatory for him. Once the councilors determine it would be ok, they can see each other but must be under constant supervision. And if they are both spending the night here, we have to put an alarm on his bedroom door at night.

However, my stepson's mother and I "made up". She has a short fuse and had been telling people that if she got around me she would kill me. I am not sure what it is *I* did other than report the incident. She came out when it was all done and told me she was sorry and we hugged. I hope we can stay friendly. We will see.

I am amazed that I am not in extreme pain right now. Between the seating and the stress I should be in a major flare, but I seem to be doing fairly well. Maybe it is a sign the Guaifenesin is working and it isn't letting stuff that is triggered by stress build up.

My stepson is going back home with his mom tonight, which will bum my husband out because he was looking forward to having him the rest of the week. My daughter is spending another night at her dad's, might even stay out there all week. So it is going to be quiet around here for a while. Maybe I will finish up one of my many knitting projects that have lain around gathering dust for months now.


Blogger Rhett said...

What a day. I am glad you seem to be holding up. Keeping prayers and good thoughts coming your way. Who would have thought there would have been so much involved and no kidding! they closed at 4pm?!? Good grief that's government for you.

I hope your day goes well today. It's my little sis's birthday so we are celebrating her tonight. To mom's for Sketty! YEA!! I guess I should go buy her a card :)

12:48 PM  

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