Fibro Escapades

30-Something Wife, Mother, and Student shares her battles with Fibromyalgia and life in general.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Sleep, Where Art Thou?

I have got to get my days and nights swapped back to normal again...

Anyway, I nursed the kiddo back to health and she was able to attend VBS Tuesday and has been going all week now. She is playing Mary in her classes skit... should be interesting.

Tackled the garage today... Well, started on the garage. It is nearly to the ceiling with boxes and bags from our move in two years ago. Hubby has boxes and boxes of comics, collectible cards and computer disks. I spent hours out there sweating my butt off (wouldn't be great if you really could sweat it off?) and probably got about 1/6th of the way through it. I declare, I WILL HAVE A YARDSALE this year! I have lots of clothes to unload, etc... But, the comics and cards are staying put, unfortunately. Man, they better be worth something one day!

Listed some VHS tapes, a book and a PS2 game on ebay tonight while I was busy not sleeping. Hope they sell, but if they don't they go in the yardsale.

Now, I am just up and rambling. Good thing I have this self indulgent blog to ramble to. : )


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