Fibro Escapades

30-Something Wife, Mother, and Student shares her battles with Fibromyalgia and life in general.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

My Gripes

Moving sucks!!!

I have a paper due Friday.

My children keep getting older, making me get older.

My oldest daughter turned 16 yesterday.

Not having net at home sucks!!!

I can't believe they can't turn on the net at the new place till September 14th!!!

I don't know if I will be done moving in by September 14th. Sigh.

Hubby still doesn't have a regular job.

People who work in fast food just don't care about customer service.

My son keeps changing the station on the radio in my van.

There are not enough hours in a day or days in the weekend.

I don't know if I will be done moving by my birthday, September 20th.

Moving sucks!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

School Starts in a week.

A week for me, less than a week for the kiddos.

I found us a house. I had hoped to be well into moving into it by now. I am obviously not a realist.

The house has been gutted and rewired, new walls flooring, windows, siding, furnace and central air. It was supposed to be ready for us Monday, of course these things never go according to schedule. We had told them there was no huge rush, other than wanting to be in before school starts. I was planning on having a week and a half to get the move done before school. It wasn't ready Monday. Which as it turns out we didn't have access to the money then either. In fact, we won't have it till a week from today. I hope that the landlord will be as patient with me as I have been with them. Sigh.

Of course, that means next Wednesday THE DAY CLASSES START FOR ME will be the day we can start moving in. UG. So, we are going to rent this place for another month so we can move slowly. Oh joy.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I'm such a bad blogger!

Hi. I'm alive. If anyone was curious. Of course not being Crazy Aunt Purl most likely no one is obsessed enough with my blog to notice I havent posted in almost two weeks.

Well, except maybe Rhett. (Hi Rhett!!!).

There is no point in trying to catch up. Suffice to say, my husband lost his job. They told him originally that he would be there until the office dissolved locally, which would be the end of September. However, a week later... yesterday, to be precises, they said 'See ya!'. Sigh.

I went through a meltdown as things are already financially tight. But I am doing better today. I spent the day recovering by doing absolutely freaking nothing! All day... laid in bed.... let kiddo fend for herself. She feasted on the bowl of watermelon I had cut up last night in an attempt to vent some frustration. *Sidenote: Electric knives work GREAT on watermelon, I finally found a use for that wedding gift besides carving turkey or ham on holidays. Anyway, right now our lives consist of hubby hunting for employment, me hunting for a cheaper place for us to live and the countdown til school starting clock ticking loudly in the background.

School. Ahhhhh, Autumn, the time of year when normal mothers breathe a sigh of relief and look forward to some daily peace and quiet while the urchins are off learning to read and write. Of course, in my case, I will be off learning to teach the urchins all about science while my own urchin is starting 1st grade. She is such a big girl now.... she wants to ride the bus to school. Which ever school she will be going to when I find someplace for us to move to that is.