My crazy idea....
Ok, so I was in WalMart and they made an announcement that they had PS3 60GB game systems in stock... just came in, limited number..blah blah blah... etc. I thought to myself...'Self, if you had the money to buy a few of those and sell them on eBay you could make some extra money for Christmas...' If you didn't know, they were in HIGH demand and people had been paying in excess of 1500 dollars for them on ebay (they retail for about 600).
Then of course I laughed at myself because... me? practically broke, disconnect notices etc... But do I let it go? no. I text message the husband expecting a healthy dose of reality from him... hmmmph, going to have to analyze THAT thought process a little more carefully. Hubby agrees to *investing* and after some fancy footwork that involves a credit card... and intentions to return items if they don't sell... we bought 3.
I just sold one on ebay for 675... which on the surface sounds like I made 75 dollars. woo hoo.... I can go Christmas shopping. But wait... listing fees, paypal fees and final value fees later... I think I lost 10 bucks. *sigh*
Damn, it seemed like a good idea at the time. But ebay has been flooded the past couple of days with pre-christmas shipments of PS3's and now it is almost impossible to break even... let alone make a profit. Whoa is me. I wonder if I should pull the listings (and eat the listing fees) and make the returns... or pray for a miracle that I can sell them for enough to make a profit?
Why can't Christmas just leave me alone? Bah Humbug.
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