Fibro Escapades

30-Something Wife, Mother, and Student shares her battles with Fibromyalgia and life in general.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sunday Blues

This has been the worst Sunday. My daughter came back from her dad's early because she didn't want to go to church. Normally this would be ok, except I was the only person home and I was up all night, unable to sleep between pain and being alone. She's been a trooper though. Letting me sleep for a while even though it means she can't go out and play or have friends over. Then she started complaining about aches and pains. I tend to freak out about her pains. I'm pretty sure she is doomed to suffer from fibro also and we have already had some experience with her having joint problems. As it turns out she seems to be running a fever, so she joined me in bed after a dose of ibuprofen. And we've been laying here in bed being miserable together.

I have to tell you, misery doesn't always love company.


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